ist eine Marke der LSH
ist eine Marke der LSH

Loose tea and tea bags from Norden: OnnO Behrends

Since the acquisition of OnnO Behrends in 1988, LSH has pursued a dual strategy at the company location in Norden. This is where OnnO Behrends produces its blends of East Frisian tea that are steeped in a long tradition. At the same time, Norden is also the location of a highly specialised, state-of-the-art tea-packing plant producing several billion tea bags and millions of paper pouches.

Onno Behrends Tee

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OnnO Behrends GmbH & Co. KG
Am Fridericussiel 5–7
26506 Norden · Germany
Telefon +49 4931 1895-0

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